I've already covered this to some degree in an earlier post, but the importance of this concept can't be stressed enough.
I'd first like to point out, however, that apricot kernels must be used intelligently and safely. It is possible to overwhelm our natural capacities to process amygdalin without adverse reactions. We don't want these reactions and we can avoid them treading carefully. We all have varying tolerances, and quantities must be varied accordingly. The variation in amygdalin concentrations from one kernel to the next makes it necessary to be particularly cautious and dismissive of general dosage recommendations.
My intent with this entry is to provoke consideration that is seldom given. If you're experiencing benefit from the apricot kernels you're presently using, continue with them, regardless.
I had some email correspondence with an individual who had been purchasing his kernels from a supplier in Australia. Following a temporary ban of their kernels and closure of their site, this individual was forced to purchase his apricot seeds from another supplier, as were many others. Having made the assumption that all bitter apricot seeds are essentially the same, this individual continued to use these kernels at the same rate he had been using the originals. What he didn't realize was that the original supply had a much higher concentration of amygdalin, which meant that he had slashed his amygdalin dosage by a significant margin. The result was a decline in his state of wellness. Fortunately, he made the connection between this downturn and the quality of these replacement apricot seeds. It was later discovered that these seeds were a much inferior, imported product being sold as Australian.
All bitter apricot kernels are not the same, nor are they similar enough to apply the same dosage to all cultivars. The range of amygdalin per kilogram of commercially available "bitter" apricot kernels is vast - from roughly 1,500mg/kg to nearly 70,000mg/kg. This entire range may be sold and marketed as bitter apricot kernels, with implications of their suitability in therapeutic applications. A large percentage of apricot kernel vendors would be unaware that their products have little to no efficacy in this regard. We can reasonably assume that the average falls somewhere within the middle at between 15,000mg/kg and 50,000mg/kg.
In the very bitter varieties, such as those in the upper range containing close to 50,000 mg/kg, just 15 kernels is roughly equivalent to 500mg of amygdalin. In contrast, 15 kernels on the lower end of the average will yield just 150mg of amygdalin. One would have to consume 50 kernels to achieve 500mg of amygdalin. 15 kernels versus 50 kernels. For some, a daily quantity might be as high as 60 kernels or close to 2,000mg of amygdalin in the more bitter varieties, versus 600mg in the less bitter varieties. For those not aware of the importance of a properly bitter source of kernels, a relatively large number of kernels may be yielding very little amygdalin. You can now see how some kernels might be effective where others fail to hit the mark, which would ultimately impact on the perception of efficacy across the board. If we were all using an appropriately bitter apricot kernel, we could reasonably assume that the success rates could be much higher.
Read my post on safe dosage. Be sensible and responsible. Most importantly, don't rush it.
Take it upon yourself to know where your apricot kernels come from.
Don't be lured by marketing spin, such as "Hunza" or "Hunza region".
These are simply terms used to give kernels from Pakistan or
India greater credit than they deserve. Most of the kernels that come from this region are of
sweeter varieties. All apricot kernels imported en masse have undergone
undesirable treatments required by the customs/quarantine departments of
the world. They are typically old, oxidized and can be rancid or well on their way.
Choose local whenever possible. If you're in Canada, the United States
or Australia, home-grown options are readily available to you. Choose
the most bitter kernel available, which is the kernel
containing the most amygdalin. If you must use foreign kernels,
purchase only from reputable sources.
The posts created within this blog are my opinions or those of other proponents of apricot kernels and their use therapeutically. Though I endeavor to write nothing that isn't factual, I am not a scientist nor am I doctor. My writings are based on many years of experience, observation and research, and the conclusions drawn are my own. I want to stress the importance of having the advice and guidance of a practiced and experienced healthcare professional. You should only take my writings into consideration in the course of arriving at your own conclusions following extensive research. Research is essential in a proactive approach to well-being. You should feel well-informed and empowered before making any decisions about your health.