Following an alleged incident involving someone in Queensland, Australia, ChiTree Apricot Kernels were temporarily shut down by the regulators and forced to conduct a national recall of their product. Though they're now back up and running, they've had to relabel their product as a non-food item and warn against the dangers of consumption.
The person involved in this alleged incident supposedly consumed approximately 40 apricot kernels in one sitting. They felt ill as a result and presented to hospital. No details or evidence of the alleged incident have been provided to the media, which strikes me as odd. Following this report, all apricot kernels available in Australia were tested for amygdalin content by the Australian Department of Health. ChiTree's apricot kernels were found to contain the highest concentration.
The action was taken in an effort to "protect the public" from harm. It is therefore surprising that ChiTree was the only supplier forced to recall their product and adorn their website with warnings about consumption. Oddly, their Australian competition continue to sell apricot kernels along side information about alternative cancer therapies and Laetrile specifically.
The future for apricot kernels in Australia remains uncertain. The regulators are seeking to make it illegal to sell them as a food in their raw state. However, there are many valid uses, many of which don't involve consumption, so they'll never become unavailable. A similar incident happened in Canada a few years back, and those kernels remain on the market.
It should be noted that thousands of people in Australia and Canada have been using apricot kernels therapeutically for decades and this alleged incident appears to be the first of its kind in Australia, as was the case with the Canadian incident.
When one consumes too many apricot kernels at once, side-effects can be experienced. The vast majority of people wouldn't take themselves off to hospital in this event. This may simply have been a case of an overly cautious individual. The doctor asks the patient, "What have you been eating?". The patient replies, "40 Apricot kernels.". The doctor proceeds to check the blood and verifies, "Yes, your blood has higher than normal levels of cyanide.". The doctor then reports the incident to the authorities, as would be protocol.
The posts created within this blog are my opinions or those of other proponents of apricot kernels and their use therapeutically. Though I endeavor to write nothing that isn't factual, I am not a scientist nor am I doctor. My writings are based on many years of experience, observation and research, and the conclusions drawn are my own. I want to stress the importance of having the advice and guidance of a practiced and experienced healthcare professional. You should only take my writings into consideration in the course of arriving at your own conclusions following extensive research. Research is essential in a proactive approach to well-being. You should feel well-informed and empowered before making any decisions about your health.